1. Registration of details of companion animals travelling on passenger vessels. Learn more
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Learn more
  3. Fuel EU for trucks. Learn more
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Fuel EU for Trucks

We would like to inform you that as of January 1st , 2025, follows the second adjustment period, during which, shipping companies, in order to reduce their environmental footprint, will have to buy emission allowances covering 70% of their emissions (compared to 40% in 2024).

In addition, as of January 1 st , 2025, the "Fuel EU Maritime Regulation" will enter into force which, along with the "EU ETS", will be a European Union measure focusing on the environmental footprint of the shipping industry. The main objective of the European Union's "Fuel EU Maritime" initiative is to increase the demand for and use of renewable and low-carbon fuels.

The “Fuel EU Maritime Regulation” is part of the "Fit for 55" package and includes measures to ensure that greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity of fuels used in maritime transport will gradually decrease over time, by 2% in 2025 and up to 80% by 2050.

Each shipping company will be obliged to either buy alternative fuels that are significantly more expensive than the fuels currently used, alternative biofuels, or to pay a penalty fee.

Compliance with the above regulatory obligations results in a significant increase in the operating costs of our vessels, therefore we would like to inform you that, as of January 1 st 2025, a new "EU ETS SURCHARGE" charge will be applied to truck tickets, on the Adriatic Sea routes which will include both the EU ETS and Fuel EU Marine surcharges.

Please find below a detailed list, which includes the increase of the EU ETS environmental surcharge, on truck tickets, per route, on the Adriatic Sea routes, as well as the FUEL EU surcharge:

ANCONA € 9,30 € 3,50 € 12,80
BARI € 4,20 € 1,70 € 5,90
VENICE € 8,60 € 1,50 € 10,10


ANCONA € 7,25 € 2,65 € 9,90
BARI € 2,70 € 1,05 € 3,75
VENICE € 7,10 € 1,25 € 8,35

The above fares are charged per line meter.