1. Registration of details of companion animals travelling on passenger vessels. Learn more
  2. Additional measures during the transportation of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) with passenger ships. Read more >>>

20% Seasmiles - Gold & Silver Members

20% Seasmiles - Gold & Silver Members
  • Seasmiles SILVER & GOLD members are entitled to a 20% discount.
  • Discount also applies on all vehicle fares excluding trailers and open deck vehicles.
  • Upon booking, the membership card number must be included in the reservation in order to get the discount.
  • During check-in at port, the membership card must be presented.
  • The discount does not apply to fuel surcharge and to fares for pet carriage.
  • Discounts are not cumulative and only one of them (the greater) is granted at a time (unless otherwise stated in the reduction terms).

Find out about the fuel surcharge and Environmental Charge EU ETS here

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